Where training primarily focusses on content, and consultancy is primarily in service to solutions, facilitation is different. It exists to help a group come to their own best performance, whether in strategizing, in planning and designing, or in improving the team’s functioning.
That means the facilitator needs to be content-neutral, highly attuned to dynamics at play within groups, skilled with process design and adaptation, and good building trust with diverse groups in order to be able to be useful to them, and help them to grow their collective intelligence. Facilitators need a lot of freedom and a lot of flexibility.
I have been facilitating for over 20 years on three continents, originally mainly in strategic planning but increasingly now in team growth and in discernment processes. I’m also currently working on design and delivery of formation of facilitators programmes.
Group Facilitation Methods, Applied Group Facilitation Methods and Strategic Planning intensive courses with ICA:UK, 2003-4
ULab 2016
Extensive UK facilitation in NGOs and faith organisations
Guyana community development planning facilitation, 2009-10
40+ organisational clients since going freelance
5 global leadership teams, 1 education team, 2 national leadership teams, formation of Facilitators programme in Germany 2024-5.